"Photos in Odessa-2016", a friendly conversation about art with photographer Scott Davis (USA)

13 квітня 2017
Марина Чиянова
- So, I would like to know how you assess the potential of contemporary art in Ukraine as much as you know it.

- I heard that few people buy works of art, because modern art is expensive. Not always, but often these works are very expensive, and their perception requires a very progressive thinking, something like that of visitors to eco-cafes, like vegetarians who do not do what the mass culture requires of them, who think about how To live life the best way possible. This is a liberal thought. The development of modern art in Ukraine implies the development of liberal thinking, a critical view of people on themselves, a critical view of culture, power, which is not always easy, especially with such a government as in Ukraine. We need reflection and the ability to question authorities and the current state of things. You have wonderful centuries-old traditions associated with cooking, family. In one of the restaurants I felt like in Los Angeles. I look at all this and begin to understand that it is necessary to lay the foundations of critical thinking and more refined behavior. We need more festivals like this, which activate the social dialogue.

- Agree. For me, such festivals are a wonderful opportunity to conduct a dialogue on the right topics and at a comfortable distance. Do you know what I think about European integration in Ukraine? I think it should be natural and take into account the peculiarities of our mentality. I support her in matters of education, as well as the development of legislation, but I do not like the rapid increase in the distance between people. And yet I believe that Americans and Ukrainians have much in common in the mental plane.

- This is true.

- Scott, at the moment I'm learning to shoot videos and would like to know from you what secrets you use to interest people with your projects.

- From the point of view of recruiting and motivation, I come across the same situations that you face. I live in San Diego. It is a city by the sea, the mentality of which is similar to the mentality of Odessa. Many underestimate San Diego, considering only New York and Los Angeles cultural centers. I started a project designed to develop modern

Art, without waiting for an official permit. I teamed up with writers, artists, playwrights, thinkers of San Diego. They have a vision of other aspects of art. Under a recumbent stone, water does not flow, and now we have a community with a critical dialogue, and I report it to residents of Los Angeles and New York.

- What are your favorite photographers? Why did you choose them?

- This is a difficult question. I like photographers experimenting with traditional material. It correlates with the work I did. I like the reception in which dark material is put in the camera, and so is the shooting. These materials help to think more freely and creatively.

- You talk about the trend without naming the names.

- I like Chris McCa, John Ciara, Megan Ritenhaff, Alia Mally. There are a number of political photographers with global ideas. They are very interesting to me.

- Let's talk about your daily routine. How much time in percentage do you devote to planning, work, analysis done and making contacts?

- The work itself takes 10%, processing of pictures - 20%, work on my ideas, development of understanding of the message of my activity and its promotion - 40%, there is almost no time for pauses and rest.

- It seems to me that only time can show who is a real artist. Therefore, I ask you about your formula for productivity.

- I think a lot and do little.

What is the most inspiring location in the US?

- Place where I live. It's near the border with Mexico. I am inspired by the nature of the border zone, the desert, the presence of the border shows the distance between people, between their worlds, affects the way of life. I am interested in the combination of two completely different cultures, languages, and cultural diversity. I like to travel around the planet, I am enriched by attempts to learn foreign languages.

- Thank you for answering the questions.

Interviewed by Marina Chiyanova.
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