Three days of darkness
Passing the Photon Belt is a test of spirituality
Part three

Three days of hopeless Darkness (darkness) is something you will be so ready for when it happens that you will not count the days. We will count the particles of Love, because the three days of Darkness are the event when the earth's plane enters the vast belt of Photon Light, and this Light is so intensified, the number of particles becomes so large that it seems as if they replace our Sun.

You ask, will we not freeze to death without the sun? The creator does not make mistakes. He knows how to help overcome difficulties. You really want to sleep. In fact, some of you will sleep through this whole event and not know what is going on until it is over. When this event is over and you wake up, you will be in the full power of the Light of the 4th dimension, and the first thing you want is to jump for joy, and then you will want to go down because you will be in the air for a while.

 You will see as soon as you pass through the Photon Belt that your physical body is readjusted to the centers of light. Light centers are particles that you have worn all your life and that have been waiting for the moment when they will light up (activate) in a new state of Consciousness.

So stop being a scared crow. Allow yourself to know that the Love of the Creator will not allow anything unpleasant to happen to you. All the problems in your life and the diseases in your body come from stress.

How to remove the voltage? If you feel that you are at a dead end, deceive the attackers, surrender. If you can't handle the people around you, give up. If you do not have time to do what you have to do, give up, stop doing it, because it is unnecessary. If you are tense with emotions - give up. If it is clear that it is love, that the other half sends you from the astral blows on the head with a frying pan, surrender to love. Throwing away a white flag is probably the best thing you can do. Practice, surrender as often as possible, because complete absolute capitulation is what awaits you at the very end of the Photon Belt.

The photon belt is a test of ability to surrender. This is a test of the depth of your weakness. It provides opportunities to see weaknesses and overcome them. To overcome weakness, you must surrender to it and allow the Higher Self to work through you. Progress is impossible without such a complete surrender of positions. There is nothing wrong with surrendering to the mercy of the Creator.

What does it mean to surrender? Surrender is not a passive and forced demonstration that leads to slavery. To give up, you need to look at your weaknesses and fears and accept the fact that you have them. Having accepted them, you must release them very responsibly and carefully. The property of the energy of the Photon Belt is that if you surrender to your fears, it (energy) will give you the strength to deal with them.

Many do not understand what life gives them from time to time a gravitational kick (impact), and what to fight accordingly. How to detect negativity in yourself? To see your downsides, you need to understand what spirituality is. There is a very simple way. Everything that is filled with thoughts about oneself is not very spiritual. Everything where your selfish Ego passes through a small gap is not spiritual.

Everything where you simply give unselfishly is spiritual. Unselfish love has no and cannot have any conditions. If your heart is filled with such feelings when the Earth and the Solar System enter the Photon Belt, all your fears will be healed.

There has been a lot of violence, aggression, negative emotions and thoughts on the planet lately. All this has formed a strong negative field around the Earth. Upon entering the Photon Belt, these energies are disintegrated by the vibration of the Photon Belt field, because the Photon Belt field is much stronger. This process will take place in the physical space of the planet. Physical carriers of negative energies will need a Robinson kit to survive on a desert island.

It should be noted that no one asks you to change. There are no laws or requirements that you have to change in connection with the election of a new president, the victory of your favorite football team, or in connection with entering the Photon Belt. Nothing like. Don't want to change, stay who you are. In the universe, no one is pulling anyone by the ears, everything is in your hands.

The dark age through which the Earth has passed for many millennia has come to an end. Since then, we are in a period of transit, a transit from the dark era of Kali-yuga to the light era of Satya-yuga. Usually the transit period lasts 432 years. During this time, people are able to get used to and adapt to the energies and rhythms of the new era. Many times the earth went through similar periods of Darkness and Light, and each time the Transition itself went its own way. This time an important factor is entering the Photon Belt.

We can enter it, enter several times or not enter at all. During this period of 51,840 years, we entered the Photon Belt 108 times. In the Photon Belt, time goes faster. Due to its influence, the transit period from the Dark Ages to the Light Age, the time scale from 432 years, will be reduced to 44 years.

Thus, a new era will soon come. This is causing a lot of changes. Because the rate of change is high, many people find it difficult to adapt and keep up with the changing particles. But the maximum help and the maximum amount of information will be provided to you and are already provided.

Канал Новая Эра

Freelancer Valery Zmiivsky


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