19 серпня 2017
Марина Чиянова

Sacred love

How it burns when it falls from the sky -

how it hurts when the water is done.

How it rains with the words half-denied,

When the world looks for fabulous suns.

How it aches when the feeling's away

from the roads that are fast and are clean.

How it roars when the lights are insane,

how they fatefully touch our skin.

How I pray for this love not to fade,

How I look for your eyes in the woods,

How we crave for emotional shade,

In each other we find our roots.

Profane love

When the touch dumbs us down -

when the shadows arise,

When in passion whe drown,

when there's evil disguised.

When your kiss, black as night,

slowly turns on my key,

when your arms, full of might,

burn my fragility,

When we're fruitful and hot,

when we're lost in our dreams,

When we're tied with love's knots,

So profane we might seem.

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