longevity through food - gaining the "impossible"

How to prolong human life: researchers have made the rating of methods which could work best of all

At the international symposium on anti-aging medicine in Geneva the leading world researchers have discussed how to prolong life to the person, have told about the last discoveries and called the most perspective methods for achievement of longevity

To the middle of century people of "silver age" will prevail upon youth. Until the middle of century of people of "silver age" will outnumber youth.


By 2020 on Earth there will live more than 1 billion people over 60, and to the middle of century of people of "silver age" will prevail upon the youth. Experts on the international symposium on anti-aging medicine in Geneva where the leading world researchers of longevity are based have given such forecast. Science and medicine actively work on that we were waited by healthy longevity - that is not just lengthening of life, and extension of term when the person feels in the prime of life, is vigorous, can serve and provide, work, travel itself and in general enjoy the world around.

- Many wonderful creams and different procedures, "wrapping time back" - our task to separate all reliable, scientifically proved, from various imaginations and mystifications, - I have explained the head of scientific committee of a symposium the doctor of medical sciences, professor, the corresponding member of RAS, the director of the St. Petersburg institute of bioregulation and gerontology, the chief gerontologist of St. Petersburg Vladimir Havinson have now bred.


Josh Mitteldorf, the researcher of National institute of biological sciences in Beijing (China) and University of Washington in St. Louis (USA), has for the first time generalized and has analysed all scientific works known for today during which it was possible to prolong successfully life to experimental mice and rats. By means of the special computer program the scientist has made the rating of "anti-aging" substances and methods which work best of all. Perhaps, it is the excellent hint how to prolong life to the person?

Despite numerous disputes and criticism which the Internet is full now, unconditional first place over scientific data wins approach of "Caloric restriction" (CR), that is "restriction of calories". Thanks to such way worldwide rodents managed to live in different laboratories longer for the whole 30%. In translation for human years of life it would be about 120 — 130 years! However, not everything is so simple.

On the one hand, all of us have evolutionarily occurred from one ancestor therefore we have much in common: the main biological processes mostly are identical at the most different organisms. On the other hand, what is good for a mouse, it isn't surely also fine for the person — for this reason many opening which have perfectly worked on rodents don't reach application for the person.


- Limiting calories, for different organisms it is necessary to reduce this indicator in own way: to rodents for 40% (from average caloric content at usual feeding. - A bus), to primacies — for 30%, and to people — for 25%, - one of the leading world researchers of CR, the organizer of long-term experiences in National institute of researches of aging (USA) and other scientific centers, doctor John Roth explains. Certainly, the biggest prize gives restriction of calories to experimental worms, front sights and mice, the scientist — mentioned plus 30% of term of life . The latest data of an experiment on macaques rhesuses showed that their chances of longevity at reduction of caloric content of food it is less — extension of life to 10%.

But if to compare macaques who ate much, and those who kept to a deprivation diet you won't believe the eyes, doctor Roth assures. Monkeys from the first group later grew old, stooped years and grew bald, from the second — look vigorous, tightened, wool bright and dense. The main and most impressive achievement of a long-term experiment on primacies turned out the fact that at rather small augmentation of term of life in general youth — that is the period of healthy life when monkeys and looked good actually lasted, and serious age illnesses were avoided (diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular diseases).

External species of macaques rhesuses of one age in control (And yes In) and in group of calory restriction.
Photo: Science. 2009 Jul 10; 325(5937):201-4. Colman RJ, Anderson RM, Johnson SC, et al. Caloric restriction delays disease onset and mortality in rhesus monkeys 


Calory restriction - does it truly work?

At regular restriction of calories it is possible to achieve small depression of body temperature, and it, in turn, leads to retardation of a metabolism (metabolism). Researches show that in such conditions aging is slowed down too — most likely because at retardation of a metabolism there is less activly an accumulation of "breakages" because of which in an organism adverse processes develop.

Besides, at reduction of calories the level of insulin decreases and/or insulin resistance, that is insusceptibility of an organism to hormone to insulin decreases — it is also proved reduces rate of aging, researchers explain.


Extension of youth at close monkeys to us, of course, is pleasing, but nevertheless such way — constant to cut oneself down  in food — very few people will aspire. "Besides we understand that in a case with the person approach has to be very individual, calculations of the "correct" caloric content should be made personally for everyone, there are also other difficulties", - John Roth says. Therefore scientists decided to go some other way: to find and test mimetics (Greek mimetes — it is there where concentration of biologically active agents tiny enough to harm will definitely not be (except situations when such products are directly counterindicated because of an allergy or any other violations of health).


Is the most efficient longevity product found?

In one of the scientific presentations on a symposium in Geneva avocado received the certain place. This fruit contains in the biggest concentration among all plants literally magic substances. Such ingredients at the same time work as mimetiki-imitators of restriction of calories, promote weight reduction (at the high caloric content of avocado!), reduce stress level, protect from system inflammations and strengthen immunity. And, unexpectedly it turned out that concentration of wonderful substances is higher not in ripe, and in slightly immature avocados which we often meet in the Russian supermarkets and we abuse for the fact that it is possible to hammer with them nails.


Except restriction of calories - the leader of the rating of anti-age-methods in the list Josh Mitteldorf different substances which meet now generally in the form of dietary supplements appear or are known as other diseases medicine. In the latter case anti-aging action was side effect - a surprise, but to begin to use such medicines as geroprotector, which is anti-age drugs for the person, additional researches are surely necessary, experts warn (see above).

In particular, prolonged life in rodents were included in the list:

- epytalamine - substance-peptide which is extracted from an epiphyseum, gland of a brain of cattle, in experiments life expectancy over 25% growth is shown;

- rapamicine - already mentioned medicine-immunosupressor, adds 15% of term of life;

- melatonine - "night hormone" which operates biorhythms of the person supports a dream wakefulness cycle; gives +8% of term of life;

- aspirine - the same +8%;

- green tea extract - in experiments prolonged life by 6%;

- metformine - anti-diabetic medicine, +5% life expectancy;

- curcumine - the natural dye which is part of leaves and roots of a plant of a turmeric meets in the form of curry seasoning, gives extension of life for 4%.


Now medical technologies for retardation of aging practice in the basic in the commercial medical centers.

- On an anti-aging topic around the world there is a lot of speculation, unproven, useless, and even frankly dangerous techniques. Therefore for us it is very important to draw a distinction between evidential medicine where techniques which are confirmed with full-fledged experiments, clinical tests, and - unproven, speculative, antiscientific methods are used, - principal of one of  Russian clinics specializing at longevity, the senior research associate of Institute a bioregulation and gerontologies, the expert in anti-aging medicine Yury Medzinovsky told on a workshop in Geneva.

- We adopted the methods which proved the effect from sports medicine, we combine them with restoration of a nervous system and other technologies. At the same time we judge results on markers - to indicators of biological age. If  "on entrance" - at the address of the person at it one age, and upon termination of therapy of another, younger, so efforts yielded result. According to the latest data the maximum depression which we managed to achieve in a year is 5 years 7 months, that is it turned out "to turn off" age of the patient almost on 6 years ago. On average most often  "kickback" for 2 years for a year of therapy happens — human life is actually prolonged by such term.


By and large, conscientious modern anti-age-clinics apply the well-known, long ago repaid techniques from the most different areas, but "counter" that they do it in a complex, individually and with the emphasis on prophylaxis, experts explain. So far such treatment costs hundreds of thousands of roubles a year. But there is also a much more budgetary option: to develop "the program of longevity" independently, visiting medical examination, making tests, punching necessary procedures free of charge within OMI (obligatory medical insurance). It, of course, will take more time, nerves, won't manage and without some expenses — not all indicative analyses can be made free of charge. However it will increase your chances to live up to that age when, as well as cell phones which once cost huge money and became then consumer goods, there will be anti-age drugs and technologies which will be checked, reliable and widely available.

And even for rising of chances of longevity it is necessary to keep simple, but effective rules which advantage for people is proved by long-term practice. The most important points on how to prolong life to the person, at the editorial request of  the chief gerontologist of St. Petersburg professor Vladimir Havinson formulated and explained.

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