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We are all currently being tested to match our rising vibrations every day. The activity of the Sun is increasing, the flares are becoming more frequent and stronger. Schumann's resonance is off the charts.

Many people have noticed a speeding up of time and experienced a higher vibration, or vice versa, a transition to lower vibrations, where the trials become even more severe. There are certain stages in the Transition process that must be completed. No one can avoid this, no matter how much he wants to. Now we are in such a difficult period. This process happens individually. There are those who have detached themselves from the 3D Matrix, creating a different environment and a new state of reality around them. The 3D Matrix is an old system that is now collapsing, and the people of the Matrix are collapsing with it.

The first indicator that a person is not living in the 3D Matrix according to divine laws, creating the reality we want to live in, is a lack of energy. A person feeds someone like a battery, giving his energy to the Matrix.

The second indicator is that a person does not reach his destination - to live the life of his dreams, the destiny for which he received his unique gift of birth. She constantly experiences negative judgments and negative reactions, a huge amount of anger, anger, irritation, condemnation, hatred, envy. These are all the raw human emotions that the 3D Matrix clings to. This will manifest in the life of a matrix person in the form of negative news, or an event when, for example, a person outside steps on their foot.

The 3D Matrix will cling to a person for what is inside. If a person has anger, fear, judgment, then the external scenario will show it. This is how the 3D Matrix works. Breakthrough is possible when you know how the program works. You can understand it and manage it. If you are struggling with life, the 3D Matrix and karmic body is hitting you mainly in four areas - your purpose, health, relationships and finances.

There is a concentration of negative karma, or difficult insurmountable circumstances in these areas. There are those whose karma has touched all these spheres, but mostly in some one the maximum number of crises and trials occurs. This means that the processing of this sphere is the fastest way out of the karmic body and the matrix installation. It is this sphere that carries the most karmic messages (problems).

The release of this energy transports a person to another reality, where there is health, there are relationships, there is money. Everything normalizes and harmonizes life, because harmony comes from within. In any case, whatever karma a person is in, it is necessary to understand where you are, to take responsibility for your own destiny and understand that no one in the outside world is making your life horrible. That inside is the one who creates this scenario.

If it hurts in a relationship, that pain is inside you, not your partner. If you do not have money, it means that you are not realizing your own task for your incarnation in this world. This means that you need to honestly look at your destiny, where you live against God, where against the Light, where against Love.

Any bodily symptom, any physical illness, any crisis in life in any area comes to help you reevaluate and review your life, where you are living incorrectly and disrupting the system of balance and harmony of being. All this is described, but few people do it, because the Matrix says: take everything you need by deception, trickery, violence, and this does not lead to happiness, harmony and awakening.

And if there is no such state, what difference does it make, how much matter you have, when the vital energy is spent on satisfying the Ego, which sits on the throne, and there is emptiness in the soul. Another of the laws of how to leave the Matrix and free yourself from karmic ties is the inner state from which you do everything. It is not so important how much you do, but it is very important from which state of consciousness.


Канал Эра Водолея 

Freelancer Valery Zmiivskyi

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