Lightning energy

Many of you are already used to the fact that powerful streams of light are constantly coming to Earth. One powerful energy day is replaced by another, and there will be no end to them. Powerful energies will flow to the Earth in a river. This is a Quantum Transition that cannot be stopped. The vibrations are increasing day by day.

But in addition to powerful energy days with the arrival of the most diverse streams of the universe, we now also receive super powerful energies. These are still not powerful streams that pour on the Earth for several days.

Lightning energies come to us from the universe. These are not streams, but bright super-powerful rays that fly into the space of the planet just for a moment like lightning and pierce the Consciousness of people. It is similar to shock light therapy.

These super powerful energies awaken everyone to the Light. If such streams flowed, then no one would survive on Earth. This is a very powerful light wave in which our dense bodies can burn and our limited Consciousness can be torn apart. That is why this help comes to us as a bright energy beam only for a moment. And then when this ray of light enters you, you may experience a sudden change in mood or inner state.

This Light directly knocks out low energy from people and strikes where it is darker. You can feel good all day, you have a great mood and a great attitude to life, and then you suddenly feel sick. One may feel lightning flash through the head and it becomes wadded and heavy as the energy begins to expand Consciousness. Someone will feel a tingling in the heart as it is revealed. There may be negative surges, when the darkness that was hiding and preventing you from shining comes out of the depths of your subconscious. And the sooner you accept and transform it, the easier your life will be.

Some may have obsessive negative thoughts and fears, such as clearing you of 3D programs. And you have to deal with them, and try not to get involved, ignore them, choose those thoughts in your head that you really want, or even silence inside you.

These flashes of light will now come suddenly and constantly. And somehow, when we are ready, they will come with the most powerful light wave, after which the world will never be the same. Many things will change in it, and now the preparation is underway, and everyone needs to learn to receive these energies, quickly align and transform what comes from within.

You need to be the Light, no matter what happens.

 Канал Мировой Ченнелинг

Freelancer Valery Zmiivskyi

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