How to get to a more sustainable future

The biggest event of all is that human civilization survived the year 2012.

The world has avoided catastrophe, but it is only on a basic level of reality. Other levels of reality can only be realized. For some people there is still an old Consciousness that has not escaped its expected potential (i.e. Armageddon). Although the horror did not happen, many, contrary to any logic, are still waiting for it. Therefore, there is no escape from the perception of a bad (negative) future while it is still in the Consciousness of humanity (i.e. on the Subtle Plane).

Fear of the future is a habit developed by many civilizations that have destroyed themselves. You have been there, so you have the seeds of that past destruction within you, and many are still waiting for a terrible end. One of the keys to a new way of thinking is how you feel about your personal future. Is it hopeful and benevolent, or is it an old mindset that says everything will be terrible in the end.

Be honest with yourself, because maybe you don't feel real fear, but you expect the future to be the way it has always been in the past. It is a bias to judge the future from the past when there is only what you have seen. Negative thinking remains, even if you accept that Armageddon has not happened and will not happen.

Our progress is two steps forward and one step back. Positive things will develop through generations. You will begin to see the world's organizations take action or else they will collapse. You will see the fall of old leaders with old paradigms (eg former US President Obama, former German Chancellor Merkel, Russian dictator Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and many others - WZ ). Eventually, they will be replaced by a new leadership that is more compassionate and honest. You will see more and more personal secrets being revealed about people in high positions. It will be like an epidemic of indecency and it is already happening.

The new energy has a Light that will expose the darkness of things that have always been there. To get to a more stable future, one must go through the cycles of Darkness and Light, when the Darkness is revealed and ultimately defeated. You are here on the planet to help those around you who cannot see a way out of the past. They didn't get their nuclear war, and the rest is going to the landfill anyway.

The internal chemistry in your body, the innate Consciousness you have carried for centuries through your past lives, has always seen one reality, the challenge of Svetlana. You have faced the challenge of the Light, challenge after challenge. What are your dreams? Who among you has dreams that reveal insecurities? This is how your Akash works. The Creator is working with you to undo those things that are based on old thinking.

Use a dialogue with your Higher Self, with the understanding that you can begin to change the very chemical level of your DNA where your Akashes are stored and begin to reformulate them. Remind your body that all this negativity is just leftover history that will never happen again. Because of the Shift, it (negative, primarily fear) now belongs entirely to another compartment of Consciousness.

Put all the old books of the past in another room and close the door. Mark the door: "old things that are no longer there." Tell your body that it is not allowed to enter this room. From now on, you are only allowed to bring positive things that lead you to a future filled with Light, including your dreams.

Visualize this over and over because the Akashes are stubborn and fickle. You are dealing with your own body, and in the end you will win because you are getting a lot of help from your Higher Self, the part of you that loves you and what you do.

Channel Age of Aquarius

Freelancer Valeriy Zmіїvskiy

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