Five interesting news on or about Ukraine

17 травня 2017

The Russians were put on the ground within 10 minutes"

President of the ‘Federation of Medieval Fight, Ukraine informed that Ukrainian team has become world champion.
It was a historic and triumphant battle. Ukraine for the first time in its history participated in the World Cup of medieval battle and won a thumping, crackling victory.

Although 40 teams were in the fray for the title, as a sheer coincidence, the final battle was played out between the Ukrainian side and the Russian. This fact added intrigue to the final round and was the highlight of the tournament, which was held in Barcelona, Spain. “It's not just a fight; it's a real, cruel and brutal battle wall to wall, without any compromises. Its’ anybody’s guess which team would bite the dust and which one would emerge the champions” was the comment of the President of the federation.

“21 fighters from both the sides, all battle ready in the traditional medieval outfit waiting to attack and bring the other side down and win the highest laurels of the prized trophy. Within no time as the whistle announced the start of the fight, a mess, a full chaos ensued and in less than 10 minutes all 21 armed Russian fighters had fallen down against the heroic, amazing, herculean effort of the Ukrainian fighters. Our boys jumped in elation, let out an ear-piercing cry and threw their arms up in the air as a celebration of their superb win over the arch-rivals and now the enemy in the real sense – the Russians”. 

Volodymyr Volodymyrovich, president of the Federation of medieval battle Ukraine proudly announced that in its maiden outing Ukrainian boys showed to the world who are the real men in the medieval fighting championship and brought home the top prize. It is very prestigious and joyous to have won in the first attempt and that to by comprehensively and totally defeating the Russians said the beaming head of Ukrainian federation of Medieval Fighting. 

The Republic of Iceland will welcome Ukrainians without visa immediately after EU opens its borders

Ukrainians will be able to travel to Iceland without visas immediately after the European Union grants Ukrainian the visa-free status. The information was made public by the Ambassador of Iceland to Ukraine, Mr. Andrew Olefirov through his message on Twitter.

"The Foreign Ministry of Iceland has confirmed and I am happy to share the information that Ukrainians will be able to travel to the country without a visa immediately after EU provides them visa-free travel to the EU", - said in the post.

It can be recalled that the Council of the European Union on 11th of May approved a visa-free regime for Ukraine. Next step in the procedure is the approval of the President of the European Parliament and the Ambassador of Malta to EU – who is the current head of the EU council. 17th of May the final and formal approval should be done and the historic decision would be published following which in three weeks time, from 11th of June ‘visa-free regime’ for Ukrainians would come into force.

The National Council announces tender for the FM radio broadcast for Donbas

To reach out to the people of Donetsk and Luhansk with Ukrainian news and content and to counter the false propaganda of Russia tenders for nine frequencies which will broadcast FM radio in the Donbas region has been announced.

The National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio confirmed the approval and announcement of the competitive conditions for the bidding process to broadcast FM radio channels on the available frequencies in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions. This was stated in the press brief of the regulator, released on Friday, 12th of May.

According to available information, the bidding is on for the available nine frequencies in the following regions of Donetsk and Luhansk – Bakhmut, Konstantinovka, Kramatorsk, Pokrovsky, Sartana, Kremennaya, Starobilsk, and Schastya.

The last standing statue of Lenin in Kyiv has been demolished

On 12th of May, the last monument of the communist leader Vladimir Lenin that stood on the street Kozatska in the Holosievskiy region of the capital Kyiv has finally been demolished.

The monument remained in the industrial zone in the former garment factory. The city administration following the historic revolution of dignity and freedom had allocated money for its dismantling three years back but the workers who went to complete the job couldn’t find the site of the monument and instead of reporting the fact, simply stated tin their report that the statue has been demolished.

Later on, the owner of the garment factory on her own cost, as the city administration refused her request to get it dismantled because according to their records it had been done, completed the “already done work” and got the last standing statue of Lenin removed from the site.

Europeans admire the determination Ukrainians to resist the external threat - H.Minharelli

Europeans are captivated by the courageous and zealous determination of Ukrainians in the face of external threats. The thought was shared by N. Mingarelli, head of EU Delegation to Ukraine on the occasion of the opening ceremony of the ‘Europe Day’ in Kyiv on Monday 13th of May.

"Ukraine has made a choice in favor of European integration. I want to assure you that Ukraine won’t be alone in its progress towards its goal of EU integration. We would keep on helping and supporting Ukraine in all its efforts towards EU, reforms, tackling corruption and improving the standard of living of its people”.

“Russia’s aggression is viewed as the incursion of its forces in the territories of a sovereign state and EU would keep on with its sanctions and further isolate Russia for its role in supporting terrorist activities in the Donbas region” – said the head of EU delegation. He further added, “What is happening now in Ukraine, in fact, concerns the whole of Europe”.

"We are indeed delighted and proud of Ukrainians because of their determination to be stronger in the face of external threats and commend the sheer determination of the masses to build a better country against all odds.” “Indeed your fate is in your own hands and most of you are doing a real great job of building a better future for Ukraine. “

“The European Union stands next to Ukraine at a time when your country is facing enormous challenges, both in the field of security, and socio-economic sphere ", - said the head of the EU Delegation in Ukraine.
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Настільні ігри на двох від Kubix: як вибрати розвагу
Замість того, аби переглядати серіали та фільми на повторі, гортати соціальні мережі або вигадувати дещо інше, можна звернутись до перевіреного та завжди актуального рішення – настільних ігор, розрахованих на двох осіб.
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