5 Examples on How Pictures Bring More Traffic

3 вересня 2014
As far as Social Media Marketing (SMM) is concerned, one should agree that photos and images are one of themost shared content pieces on the internet. However, using hundreds of photos in your blog post, article or news doesn’t mean your website will be on top of search engine results page immediately. The thing is that really successful traffic attraction is influenced rather by the quality of images, then by their amount on a web page.

Here are some useful tips and real examples on how to select the right images and thus drive a ton of traffic to your site: www.ukietech.com/blog/marketing/5-examples-on-how-pictures-bring-more-traffic
Якщо ви помітили помилку чи неточність, виділіть фрагмент тексту та натисніть Ctrl+Enter.


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