10 ідей стильного образу від світових модних блогерів

5 лютого 2015

Lavenda Memory | @lavendascloset | Portland

Fashion Blogger

Aleksandra Lawyer | @missaleksandraj

City livin' but Islands on her mind

Beatrice Gutu | @thefashioncuisine | Germany

Fashion Blogger

Judy Wu | @thedamselindenim | Toronto

Dreamer and inspiration seeker

Jess Kirby | @jessannkirby | New York

Coastal life, cocktails, style

Erica Hoida | @fashionedchicstyling | San Diego

Personal fashion stylist and style blogger

Marni Reisender | @styleontherise | New York

Fashion & style blogger

Larisa Costea | @larisacostea | Romania

Fashion blogger and designer

Lolita | @lolitamas | Riga

Personal style, beauty and travel blogger

Dasha Gold | @thetrendspotter | Australia

Fashion and style inspirations
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