Kyiv Through The Lens Of Metropolitan Photographers

Professional photographers see the world in a different way. Even while walking they notice the things which ordinary pedestrians do not usually see.

In quiet December and in blazing May, in melancholic November… Ukrainian capital is beautiful in any season. Photo shots by Kyiv photographer Oleh Batrak remind about that again and again!
  Photos: Oleh Batrak

And this is Kyiv on black and white photographs by Andriy Rudkovskyi (Andrei Ransky). This city is beautiful in any colour!
  Photos: Andriy Rudkovskyi

The capital is often criticized for a sporadicity of styles, but the disadvantage could be turned into an advantage – everyone sees the city in their own way. For guests Kyiv may be romantic, post-Soviet, historical ... but it is always cozy. Olena Penkova proves this by her photos.
  Photos: Olena Penkova

According to the photographer Andriy Baydak, Kyiv is impossible not only without Podil, it could not be imagined also without the most beautiful tram route to Pushcha-Vodytsya, graffiti by local street-artists, yellow maple leaves and beautiful river landscapes.
  Photos: Andriy Baydak
Photographs by Vadym Smuta, uploaded by him in the network under the nick-name smuta2006, are filled with warm colors rendering the good atmosphere of the city. Because of this atmosphere international tourists are so fond of Kyiv!
  Photos: Vadym Smuta
Each participant’s works are impressive and unique, don’t you agree?!

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Ukraine For Travelers
It’s summer, the best time for traveling! Which means there are no excuses for staying home and wasting your precious time. Pack your bags, grab your friends, get positive and go! And if for any reason you can’t go abroad, no worries. Ukraine has a number of interesting sights ;) And this is what we will tell you about.
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