"Travel Through Ukraine". Busha, Vinnytsia

2 September 2015

Historical and Cultural Reserve "Bush" is one of the seven wonders of Vinnitsa! It is a place of power!
There are about ten archaeological sights on this territory: pre-Christian and Christian temples (sixteenth century) with a unique artistic murals, the remains of fortresses and underground passages (XVI-XVII centuries) and the town hall (sixteenth century), cemetery (XVIII-XIX centuries) and many other interesting things
Travel Through Ukraine
11.08 - 31.08

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The Radetski Family
Can you imagine the ideal Ukrainian family: where the memory of the family is honored and preserved, the children are raised with respect for their native nation and its culture. They decorate their home with many elements of antiquities and traditional way of life? If you cannot imagine that - I'll show you :)
Watch here